Inácio Klassmann
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Scala + Springboot Interoperability

This is a POC using Scala + Springboot. It is a simple project to demonstrate the interoperability between Scala and Java. Here is the full implementation. Requirements Java 21 SBT 1.10.5 ...

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The Death of Springboot Webflux

First of all, I love Netty, it’s a great non-blocking webserver, very fast and has zero vulnerabilities so far. I also love Springboot, I’ve been using it since the very beginning. Putting both to...

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Short polling, Long polling and Websockets

It’s all about notification. Basically this polling technic is a server/client solution where in one side there is the client requesting information to the other side in background mode. The user...

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Avoiding Code Obscurity

In software development, “obscurity” typically refers to the practice of making code, algorithms, or system design difficult to understand or decipher. This can be done for various reasons, but mos...

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Building Unikernel with Nanos + Spring-boot App and deploy on AWS Cloud

This post is a demonstration of running Nanos in MacOS and creating a unikernel with spring-boot application to deploy on aws cloud. I’ll not get into a concepts or architectur here. Please read my...

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The death of Linux Containers

Unikernels are awesome! First of all, let’s understand what unikernel is. “Unikernels are specialized, single-address-space machine images constructed by using library operating systems.” (Unikern...

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Technical leader vs Effective leader

Nowadays, we can observe many people trying to be technical leaders. Many companies provide this path to recognize their employees in technical terms and maintain a shared sense of building an IT c...

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Innovation & Leadership

There are no silos for innovation; that is it! After saying that, I remember companies that used to create an innovation department or research and development (R & D) for taking new initiativ...

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Old fashion way of Microservices Architecture

It is a rich history of using microservices in a financial company with a fixed mindset culture and fixed infrastructure as well. It sounds crazy, right? Yes, indeed, that environment does not matc...

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Software Sustainability

Sustainability is the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level, like “the sustainability of economic growth”. The concept of sustainability has principally been associated with ecology, ...

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Effective Learning

Since I started to study agile and understand the proposal, I realize, the way that I was learning wasn’t the right way because sometimes I didn’t have the effective learning. It means I was readin...

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My 20 cents to the 101s

One of the many efficient ways to build an experienced team is through feedbacks. The agile principle is about feedbacks; XP works with feedbacks all the time; discovering new features, delivering ...

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Making people awesome

Most companies invest a lot of money on your employees like trainings, courses, workshops, talks, significant events, etc. The companies expect that they will improve some employees skills and know...